Kama Cream Perfume is a handy addition to the Kama range.
A glossy, elegant, firm, personal skin cream, infused with a high content of the Original Indian Love Oil concentrate.
Available in a small 15g solid glass pot.
KAMA - The Original Indian Love Oil
Kama was created by a New Zealander James Griffen in the 1970's. It was originally released through Sydney Boutiques in December 1971, and was an instant success. James then returned to New Zealand in August 1972. By late 1973 Kama Sacred Indian Love Oil was outselling some of the world’s top brands of perfume.
Over the years a number of outer packagings and descriptive wordings have been altered, but no original ingredients have ever been substituted nor formulations altered. Kama today, 35 years from origination, is regarded as a unique fragrance. It has stood the test of time and must surely rank as one of a kind in the realms of the ‘Truly great’.